College is fantastic, right?
Well, maybe not for all. I
suppose it can be a bad experience. But
for most of the students I encounter it is a period of fun mixed with intense
study and intentional exploration.

Usually it’s rare to meet an 18 year old who knows what they
want to do the rest of their life, but at Wash U. it seems to be the norm. High school students with high aspirations and
blemish-free report cards and résumés land in a sea of students with equally
impressive résumés. This sets the stage
for a very competitive and intense atmosphere in the classroom and in the
social construct.
It’s chaotic and very entertaining to be a witness to this
very competitive environment. It’s not
only in the classroom, but it’s in sports (best overall NCAA DIII school in
the nation), the acapella groups, councils, and the million clubs. Students are out to succeed and they mean it.
The spirit of success is great, and I certainly support
it. In fact, I believe most of the
students at Wash U. not only want to succeed, but they want to contribute to
the world in a manner that will only make it a better place.
Recently a group of students from Wash U. found a running
clothing company called Janji that not only makes awesome running clothes, but
it’s a non-profit movement that aims to end the global food and water
crisis. Through selling their running apparel
they fund solutions and raise awareness to brining clean water and food to the
If this isn’t inspiring I’m not sure what is.
What is most inspiring to me is that these students were
called to create something beautiful in the world and they followed this call. Sure, the most obvious route might have been
to wait until they graduate and follow the standard path (grad school), but the
Janji founders didn’t follow conventional wisdom, and took their love of running
and made an impact in the world…all while still in college!
I love this story because to me it’s not just about the
résumé. It’s more than about getting straight
A’s. It’s so much more than just looking
good on paper. I worry that too many
students are so fixated on being perfect on paper that they lose touch with
other valuable, artistic, cultural, spiritual, philanthropic aspects of life that
give a person character and show a person’s care for the world.
I completely support students who strive for academic
perfection, but when it comes at a cost of only doing things that make you look
better, I can’t support it.
I know most of us have a little overachiever in us. I have it, my wife has it, my kids have it,
my students at Mizzou had it, and my Wash U. and SLU students definitely have
it too. It’s not a bad thing, but it can
be if it’s the whole of your substance.
I know I want to find a wholesome balance in life that helps me help
others. It’s what God calls us to do…and
it’s through this lived discipleship that we show our love for God and each other,
not through building our résumés.
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